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Song by LeBombe. Version by RUGAR.
Drums Bass Lead1 PwrChds kling RKick RDrySnare RSnap Hi! Sine psychosine fzsqr_tri ntitled
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The tune begins with a sense of darkened urgency which quickly draws into a comical lighthearted theme consisting mainly of a sharp synth instrument located on a blanket of lots of 'soft' sounds. I particularly enjoy the central section of the song where a mythical sounding fade begins to haunt the pleasent sound, the actual music quality of the song begins to drop towards the end giving the impression the final section was a struggle for inspiration. The song uses a lot of vibrato which leads to the slightly unorthodox modern chiptune sound, however there are also a lot of re-triggered notes which helps the song maintain it's balance throughout. Technically the song quite good and begginers can learn a lot from the likes of this.