parasympathy (
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This track has a some cool elements, such as the panned leads, and light voice samples through the track. The track also has some great changes and a decent arrangement to it, but the percussion was a bit too harsh throughout most of it. The middle of the track is somewhat painful to listen to, as the bass drum is far too heavy, and almost difficult to follow. However, the track still works well for the most part, and is quite relaxing through the majority of the sequences. Some attention to dynamics would not hurt the track, especially in the percussion line. The ambience is well tracked, almost being too peaceful. The panning also helped improve the track overall.
Internal Texts *
parasympathy ------------ by myth an atmospheric track. composed from september to december 1998. sit back and enjoy the show. -- part 1: serotonin, 2:57. part 2: biofeedback, 1:43. part 3: interaction, :57. total time: 5:37. -- sample credits given with instrument/sample names; thanks to farmer, soundwave, myno, elwood, purple motion, necros and timelord. for best sound output, use impulse tracker v2.14 or opencp v2.5. please send your comments to "I don't try to overexplain these encounters; I just accept them. Sometimes science dismisses things when it doesn't have the tools for investigation."
guitar/myth perc61/soundwave perc.synthbd2/farmer perc.synthsnare/farmer machine.hat.c/purple machine.hat.o/purple snare/timelord strings/myno lowtone.4/timelord bass/elwood halopad/chris jarvis squarewave/myth f242.distortion/timelord mars1/necros synth.fsolzip/farmer perc153/soundwave perc66/soundwave perc75/soundwave percrev27/soundwave sawtoothwave/myth perc135/soundwave perc40.3/soundwave brĀ·breeze/timelord voc.sadoctober/myth voc.succeed/myth voc.figure/myth voc.notime/myth -- parasympathy by myth send your comments to more info in song mesg -- guitarlow/myth guitarmid/myth guitarhigh/myth perc.synthbd2/farmer perc.synthsnare/farmer machine.hat.c/purple machine.hat.o/purple perc61/soundwave snare/timelord strings/myno lowtone.4/timelord bass/elwood halopad/chris jarvis squarewave/myth f242.distortion/timelord mars1/necros synth.fsolzip/farmer perc153/soundwave perc66/soundwave perc75/soundwave percrev27/soundwave sawtoothwave/myth perc135/soundwave perc40.3/soundwave brĀ·breeze/timelord voc.sadoctober/myth voc.succeed/myth voc.figure/myth voc.notime/myth
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Very relaxing and calm. I like the instruments and samples.