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Musikal Bizarre By Czar (C) 1996 ______________________ Greets to Johnny Q, Sa Not4Gods, and the rest who are kool! ______________________ Samples from various s Comments to :czar_infi 19 August 94 VFX/2.Sequenzline the full spectrum... 19 August 94
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This song starts off well enough, even though this song is a completely different song without headphones on (More on that in the technical section). The actual lead melody of this song isn't anything special, but it fits really well with the lazy breakbeat that is present throughout the entire song. I personally think that this could be a much better song if the author had taken time to "play" with breakbeat a bit more. The beat never actually changes throughout the entire duration of the song, a hi-hat or an extra bass drum could have been thrown in at a couple points to at least change the beat up a little. This song does do some things well though. One section of the song that immediately comes to mind is pattern 24 where the bass line goes on a pretty awesome syncapated riff, repeats and then kills the breakbeat to let the lead solo. As stated before the breakbeat choice was a very good one, this is one that makes you want to nod your head, despite its lack of variety. Technically this song is rather weak. Call me crazy but if a vocal sample is to be used in a track it should have some meaning, or enhance the song in some way. Well, almost immediately the listener is hit with a vocal sample which is indecipherable, and on the verge of being overwhelmed by the initial bassline. It neither enhances the song, nor does it have any comprehendable meaning. The author wanted an echoed effect on the voice, but that's very hard to do when the original sample isn't exactly clean itself. There are a couple times where it seems almost as if the author forgot to kill a lingering note, or if it was meant to stay. In those three or four occasions in which this happens in this song, I don't think it worked to his advantage. Next time, think about the total volume of EVERY instrument and sample you include in your work, and try to make them blend as much as possible.