Dream Shifter II (ra_dsii.it)
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There are basically two songs in this IT, one that stars playing in the beginning and one that starts at pattern possition 65 and must be manually run in pattern editor by pressing F7 (IT 2.14) in pattern 5. Otherwise, song will start at pattern 6 and will run til 67(the original song) The second one is just a short edit of a original song, nothing special, just some patterns left out to reduce its length! Experienced trackers will know what I'm talking about, others just leave it, it's not that inportant at all :)
grandpiano.c5 Ozone grandpiano.c6 Ozone grandpiano.c7 Ozone Piano 16bit Echo String Inst 1 ACE Inst 2 Chris Furix Inst 3 ACE Inst 4 TSEC inst 5 Elwood filtered euro lead Y3K String A. String Inst 6 heretic intro FX Drum Chris Furix tik 3 Shaker tik Rim ACE cin Ride Jerch A Clap worth of its name House hat Echo Rim shot Back cin easy Main bass Nookie soft snare Techno synth Dj Bourg Reverse Clap ride Open TSEC Snare RB 2.01 Spaceknock Fade in TSEC ------------------------- * Dream Shifter II * RAVE-n DATE:24.6.2002 Original Edit ------------------------- RAVE-n excess_volja.net ------------------------- A nice dream/trance song with a nice little melodie :) Shares nothing but the title with the first DS ... perhaps the overall felling is simmilar, but this song is much harder , more dancy & has more variaton. Anyway... enjoy the beaut iful rhytm section & 2nd part of the song .) Greetz: * My beautiful & charming Girlfriend * AceCream * XeeGee * DJ Bourg * People _ Homemusic.cc & _ modarchive.com * The Samplemakers * All The DJ's, Fans & Freaks * Bunch of commercial artists for inspiratio n RAVE-n for Excess Prod. SHIFT + F9
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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