Over The Ocean II (FRM) (ra_over2-radiomix.it)
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( S t i l l A l i v e ) * D J A . S . D . * O v e r T h e O c e a n I I . ( 'Flashback' Mix ) I share the theory with RAVE-n that says Over The Ocean II. is better than Over The Ocean I. The melody is more dreamy and not so 'sad' as we heard in the first one. Don't be surprised if you hear familiar melodies at the first chillout sequence... Yes, yes! That's it! I grabbed it out from Over The Ocean Part 1. A perfect match don't you think? This mix is made for RAVE-n's request about making a short version out of the waaay too long original one. I'm satisfyed enough with this mix, hope You'll get the similar feeling ... ;P I made a bit differ on the stringpart to the original one, I just hope I didn't screwed up much... But I left the original method in it, too... Listen & enjoy ! Greetings to (I didn't wrote such list as this since a long, long time) : XeeGee, Proximus {PeRoX}, AceCream, DJ Bourg, Masenka, and many many many many many many many many many more !!! (I forgot at least 4 or 5 people ...) !ATTENTION! Listen to this song only in ModPlug, with Bass Expansion! If you have a slow CPU, you better do this in MPT : 1. Open this file. 2. Temporarily set the max.polyphony into at least 128Mhz. 3. Use the Save As Wave... command in the File menu. 4. Set back the polyphony into preferred value. 5. Encode the saved wav-file into an MP3 file.
If U want any info about this song, than you'll hav look at the comment window ;)))
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