We go to war(MIX) * (ra_war.it)
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WW WW EEEEEE GGGGGG OOOO TTTTTT OOOO WW WW EE GG OO OO TT OO OO WW w WW EE GG OO OO TT OO OO WW www WW EEEE GG GGGG OO OO TT OO OO WWww wwWW EE GG GGG OO OO TT OO OO WWw wWW EE GG GGG OO OO TT OO OO WW WW EEEEEE GGGGGG OOOO TT OOOO WW WW AAA RRRR WW WW AA AA RR R WW w WW AA AA RR R WW www WW AA AA RRRR WWww wwWW AAAAAAA RR R WWw wWW AA AA RR R WW WW AA AA RR R --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAVE-n & 7th LEgion game musicians My E-mail: irma.vrecko_guest.arnes.si
bd sd 44loop yaam feedback guitl hh guitr a few hours. :( bass yes Morbid Minds laugh ride funkbass bd SlamDrum.3.Reverb perseus_xs4all.nl pc wgtw kick ambi attent g1 The only mod maker CYMBAL2.SAM phase bd ANOTHER WORLD tthc synth bc cr expl zap slodier gun mb mf m getup[ riff snaremil bach upguit trip lead Lastword.smp Bass-ls1.raw ------------------------- main inst string Inst Vio Piano guitar guitar1 Dis guitar1 Dis guitar2 ------------------------- Drum Bass main cin1 cin2 Snare bass drum-kick1 drum-kick2 drum-kick3 ------------------------- We go 2 war FX1 FX2 FX3 FX4 FX5 flyby breakbeat open hit ------------------------- * We go to war * RAVE-n & ?????? DATE:4.2.1999 * Theme of 7th LEGION* ------------------------- RAVE-n & ???????? ------------------------- Shift+F9 ------------------------- ZA SLOVENCE: Totalka udarn komad... original je bil en tak minimal rave + indus- trial...pa ni disal.. Se zdej velik bols cuje...pa se eno struk turo ma...un se je kr loopu... Komad bi se dal na metal miksat...ce gdo to nared nej mi ga pos le....! RAVE-n out aja... E-mail je na shift+F9
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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