*******SotRW******* (rain-war.xm)
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AccidentaL & Dj Fallos PROUDLY PRESENTS: shadows of the rainbow warriors Lyrics: Beware the shadows of the RainBow- Warriors. If you dare to resist them they will get ya!!! and when you're walking thru the darking(?) forest, when you're least expect them they will CUT YOUR THROAT!!! And I will seek wherever you are, 'cause I know, you're one of them. And when the night begins to change, reveal your sword and CUT THEIR THROAT!!! well, hello there. we decided to do this little tune while we were drinking. feel free to remix, but let us know first. write to: djfallos_imtoosexy.com or t0nyboy_hotmail.com £ (first o is not o, it's zero) Made in Finland, at saturday nigth 2nd of oct 1999. Lapin Kulta ruleZ! We took the page's 36 sologuitarscrape from Cadaver's song "Noitavasara". So greez to him. You make BEATIFUL music, man! And we say hi to our very very VERY good friend Sakke (Dj RedBass.) Hi. Keep up the good work. that's all folks. listen and enjoy. and vote! Looking for something? Qe42.wav Qe42.wav Qe42.wav 245.wav 12.wav Ytr57u.wav Ytr57u.wav Ytr57u.wav Ytr57u.wav 1.wav xm_lenght : 3.50? 32.wav 32.wav 33.wav Throat.wav Rain.wav Rain.wav Rain.wav Rain.wav Yää.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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