MomenTofLove/RainyDay NBT (
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A Moment of Love by Andreas Viklund Just a remix by TeChNoBoT * TeChNoBoT * Natasha Breanne Thompson "Rainy Day Mix" * TeChNoBoT * I gave this beautiful love song a romantic rainy day feel Do you like?? natashabrianne_hotmail. com new instruments added by Natasha also added effects into existing patterns * TeChNoBoT * * TeChNoBoT * "Moment of Love" Rainy Day Mix Natasha Breanne Thompson * TeChNoBoT * natashabrianne_hotmail. com New Instruments added by Natasha Music composed by Andreas Viklund Natasha-added some effect into existing patterns
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
The melodie is very nice. At the start of this music, we have some RAIN & THUNDER effects that are very cool and the piano wave down over it (Very nice). The end is well made too, with specials stereo effects with a fade out with the RAIN sample. Great stereophony, nice mix of samples. The quality of samples are not at their best but with some effects included in this module is sound very well. Time length : 3min 42sec with 20 samples.