RainyDay (rainyday.mod)
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st-15:Dad11 st-15:Dad13 st-15:Dad6 st-15:Dad7 st-15:Dad8 st-15:Dad9 st-15:Dad5 st-15:Dad10 st-01: st-01: st-01: st-01: st-01: st-01: st-01:
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I think this MOD was a STM anyway. Cool harmonics but at pattern #5 and on, it's sound familiar, you will see. Panflute is a cool sample and use with correctly note thru all the music. No effects, sorry some pitch on the panflute samples but I don't think they were used correctly (Sound strange, not professionnaly). It's a 4 channels MOD file. also, 7 samples for a total time of 3min 13sec.