The Rainy Day (rainyday.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 7th Nov 1998
The Good StuffSummary
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Back again for my THIRD ever mod (xm)! My inspiration came one night as I was going to sleep; I confusedly scrawled a note sequence on a handily placed notepad (-top tip bytheway !) -being sure I wouldn't remember my ideas next morning.- However, on waking up, I took a look at my scribblings, and this little lot followed. I was decidedly happy. I must, however, shamefully admit that I am a sample stealer. Hey C'mon It's only my 3rd one; I wasn't expecting anything pleasant to arise. The Rainy Day. By Andrew H of England Plays 4m35s Email: Andrewhurst(a) Final message, then I will give up... Fast Tracker rules the universe, Impulse T is annoyingly duff, but a reasonable player, since the pattern editor is :( P.s. It's all in the volume envelope!! Looking for something? Voice loop clsd hihat hit kick bass 1 string bass plain snare open hihat rim tapped kick bass 2 kindof clap mid string note organ note cut dodgy effect dodgier effect great piano
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The intro remind me a PetShop Boy music. It turn to a dance music. Great piano string. At the end cool voice instruments that make cool ambience for the music. Total time of length for this module : 4min 38sec. Well done, but little bit repetitive, but nice progression. More panning would be nice, example : The voice at the end of the music could be more for left to right that might make that part of the music more impressive ; more ambience. 14 samples in that module. Or for the piano string with that kind of wave for the notes, maybe a panning slide left to right would sound better.