My Love 4 U NBT (
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I know that you're dreaming of me and I'll feel your thoughts silently slip into my mind as my heart swells with the warmth of your love The sweetest of dreams are of you All the love my heart can give goes out to you and only you it shall never die this is like one big chalkboard whooooooooooo hoooooooooooo hoooooooody whoooooooooooooooooo I hope you all like my songs and if you do, please let me know by emailing me at okie dokie =) until next time........
"My Love For You" composed/produced arranged by Natasha Breanne Thompson I have always enjoyed the music by Cause&Effect which is somewhat reflected in this song. Not the notes, the music is mine, just that when I listen to this song and I hear their influence on me coming out.....hmmmm ya know what I mean =) Anyhow, my boyfriend is leaving me to go live in another state and so this is my song to him. I again used my voice in this song. *yeah* My Love for you will never die I love you! I give to you my heart HEART2.WAV I do hope that you enjoy this song as much as I loved making it. natashabrianne_hotmail. com /~warlockdmt *TeChNoBoT* shift F9 for more blah "My Love For You" composed/produced arranged by Natasha Breanne Thompson natashabrianne_hotmail. com /~warlockdmt All rights be mine =) please email me before remixing this song shift F9 for more blah This song sounds best when played in IMPULSE TRACKER HEART2.WAV C3OOHS.WAV
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This piece sort of reminds me of some of my earlier pieces. ... my VERY earlier pieces. The only thing that I really liked about this piece at all was the rhodes piano. Using a very basic channel panning technique, the programmer was able to accomplish a nice stereo effect with the rhodes, however, the rest of the instruments (especially the drums) remained centre channel, which really turned me off. The programmer needs to sit down and write a piece of music *before* attempting to track it. There is no definite chord structure, which leads me to believe that this was just a whim of pushing a bunch of buttons in Impulse Tracker. I wish Natasha the best of luck with future releases, however, I do not believe this is the one that is going to win her an oscar. Samples are WAY too random... some are 8 bit, really bad quality, a few are really excellent samples. This makes the song sound very uneven. There was no thought that went into the volume of instruments here. When the rhodes first comes in, it is WAY too loud for the rest of the instruments. Not much technical work at all put into the piece. Instruments are enabled, however, only a couple of volume envelopes are used, and none of the effects in the instrument mode are used to any type of potential. I suggest finding a "role-model composer" who uses the same tracking software, and study the music closely. Become familiar with the instruments if you are going to have instrument mode enabled (F4 in IT) and develop a chord structure and basic song structure PRIOR to programming the piece. There were just too many notes and beats that were way to random. Dynamic is good, Random on the other hand is not. Keep trying.