The Story of Mythica (
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HiStrings.HiQual SelloEnsemble Slow Strings Cut-Slow String DarkCello.Reverbed Pick Bass Ghostie HeavyB_Synth.Smp Synth Pizzicato Harp KettleDrum 3.Hard Cymbals.Crash Ppphhhwww rauschenderregen gewitter1 (orig) gewitter1 (rev) gewitter1 (o>r) Pop Snare BigPizzicato.2.Warm Percussive organ Percussive organ Percussive organ Percussive organ Digital Bass Drum Hihat Close Wood Congas tambourine Conga Reverbed Bass Drum Conga Boom! Strings Bass Drum Coated Tom NoName NoName NoName Percussive organ Part I- Hope In The Rain Ship Creak Hull Hit soft Quiet Engine Hull Bass Shmack 2.sunbeam.outside... Side Stick Part V- ??? High Piano Mid Piano Low Piano Picked Bass Guitar Hihat Opened Hihat Mid opend Hihat Closed Snare Waahhhh BD with Windchime SelloEnsemble HiStrings.HiQual Pop Snare Rock Guitar [FF7] Clarinet TSSF "The Story of Mythica" Written by MrCoosh (c) Copyright 1998 Shh! Music by MrCoosh -Contents- Intro- Their Sad Plight Part I- Hope In The Rain Part II- Call To Arms Part III- New Territory Part IV- Journeying Away Part V- Deadly Campsite Part VI- Battle of Fate HeavyB_Synth.Smp Synth Pizzicato Harp KettleDrum 3.Hard Cymbals.Crash Ppphhhwww rauschenderregen gewitter1 (orig) gewitter1 (rev) Pop Snare BigPizzicato.2.Warm HiStrings.HiQual SelloEnsemble Slow Strings Cut-Slow String Digital Bass Drum Hihat Close Wood Congas tambourine Conga Reverbed Bass Drum Conga Boom! Strings Bass Drum NoName NoName DarkCello.Reverbed Pick Bass Ship Creak Quiet Engine 2.sunbeam.outside... Side Stick Low Piano Picked Bass Guitar Hihat Mid opend Hihat Closed Snare Waahhhh BD with Windchime SelloEnsemble HiStrings.HiQual Pop Snare [FF7] Clarinet TSSF
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This is actually a 7 part track. And intro, followed by six "parts." All the pieces seem pretty much unrelated to any other in terms of rythym, but possibly this is the intention, All parts are very short, most lack depth as well. Adequate samples, but usages at times leaves something to be desired. Sparks of creativity/originality show up in a few areas, but a lot more is needed to fill out the track(s). Slow builds. Here's a brief comment on each "part" of the whole: The Intro: Long, some suspense, and strings! Part I: Good samples. A choppy beginning leaves you waiting for the next part- Part II: Some good beats and rythyms here, but one cymbal is overused. Has a dischordant/out of tune sound. Part III: Clean beats, and better organized than previous parts. Okay. Part IV: Dischordant/Out of Tune sounds appear again, ruins this part since it's hard to ignore it. Part V: A stormy start (literally!) leads to more out of tune sample sounds. Part VI: I wasn't ready for this part after hearing the others, it's much different, and BETTER! This is easily the best part of the entire package, contrasts sharply with previous parts in that it had a good start, good suspense, great rythyms, and, a panning snare that sounds neat! If the whole track was of similar quality this would be a 7.0 or possibly higher, instead of 4.5... Tracks attempts to cover a wide band of music types- and misses for the most part, ending up sounding 'lost.' Shortness of parts shows quickly, and yet repetitiveness also becomes apparent. Delays between parts are rather long (2 patterns @ times). Each part has it's own 'label'.