On my way (remix) (mywayr.it)
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On my way 3:43min by El Blanco of Kombo/Chaos Theory/3STF Made for Chaos Theory Notes I tried to keep the file size down on this one ;) Haven't made a song this small in some time. I guess this is something of an artistic song (something I don't do much) for me. I tried to show two different moods in this a somber and conflicting beginning followed by a peaceful yet...."happy" ending (sorry couldn't think of a better word for it). I guess this song represents how no matter how hard or bad things are, perservere. Continue on, keep your inner strength and fight your way through the hard times. In the end you can find happiness and peace through the meaning of your struggle. hmm... I'm getting too philosophical for me so I'll shut up. Sample creds. hmm. I think all the samples are from Soundwave. (even the readme sample #5 <G>) Thanks Soundwave for some of the best samples on the net! Greets My groups as usuall #trax as usuall etc. etc. anyone I'm supposed to be specific about but forgot. reach me at elblanco_wizard.net
A07-7.SND A30-1.SND A98-5.SND README SW-PAD1.TXT A01-2.SND 89-WAV~1.WAV A24-2.SND A24-3.SND 002.SND 010.SND 014.SND 017.SND 031.SND 040.SND 080.SND 081.SND 082.SND GRITRLD2.SND SLEAD1-1.SND 050.WAV 055.WAV 91-WAV~1.WAV not f4, shift f9 17-MET~1.WAV 17-MET~1.WAV 60-PAU~1.WAV liljed.strings 08-ELE~1.WAV 53-SPF~1.WAV 55-SPF~1.WAV 10-BOS~1.WAV 12-FEN~1.WAV 14-FEN~1.WAV 26-DRM~1.WAV 104-DR~1.WAV YELLOW~1.WAV 115-DR~1.WAV YELLOW~1.WAV 040.SND 175-TA~1.WAV 120-HA~1.WAV 121-HA~1.WAV 03-B3H~1.WAV 11-HAM~1.WAV 050.WAV 055.WAV 91-WAV~1.WAV 89-WAV~1.WAV On my way 3:43min or so El Blanco Kombo/Chaos Theory/3STF shift f9 for notes 23-MET~1.WAV 17-MET~1.WAV
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Awesome! Interesting how it displays two conflicting moods. The beginning is somber and seems to vent so much frustation. The end is lighter, as if to have some resolution. I love it. Very cool.