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A song for Susan (re-susan.it)

Info Summary

  • re-susan.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 705.03KB in size and has been downloaded 1757 times since Thu 17th Jun 1999 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 54226
  • Downloads: 1757
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 02e38d14c67bbb7370df83de706db089
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 26
  • Uncompressed Size: 705.03KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Drum & Bass

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a RSA re-release from


the VIP mix from RSA's most intense love theme

The final word to the Black Angel

original dof december 1997
vip mix dof may 2000
tpt 8 22
style atmospheric drum 'n bass
best played in IT214 (no resonant filtering supported)
all rights reserved
¸1997/2000 RSA / Reactor studios Amsterdam

I hope you dig this vip mix from this oldie as much as I do. The 'Stairway to heaven' remix from this one may be better, but this vip mix is more focussed on a good remake from the original. The original was liked 2 and a half years ago, but when I listen to it now, it sounds too much amateuristic, although the themes and the techniques were quite well done. I hope that this VIP mix, more done in 'Stairway to heaven' style, will give you a new view on the track, in any case all peepz who liked 'Stairway to heaven" (and those of them who were dissapointed when they heard the original 'A song for Susan').

I'm done with Susan
Laters ya'll - Reactor Grits

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Info Internal Texts *

                      R    E    A    C    T    O    R
                 p    r    e    s    e    n    t    s    :

                             A SONG FOR SUSAN

                       Re-release in IT214 format
          because of the succes of the 'Stairway to heaven' remix
                        For the next black angel

                              length: 6:53
                    date of finish: December 1997
                           filesize: 0.72 MB
                     Style: Jumpup drum 'n bass
                          All rights reserved
                 ╕1997 1998 Reactor studios Amsterdam

   For the ones who didn't notice yet, I stepped over to Impulse tracker.
Why? Because the filesize is twice as small and DAMN! Fuck you, I'm so ill
of explainin' why I did this. (Who cares anyway?) I know that a lot of
    people alreay knew this mod, it's a year old and was released in XM
  format. Because so many people liked the 'Stairway to heaven' remix from
   this song, and never heard the original, here's the original fixed up
       with added features in IT 2.14 format. Hope ya'll like it...

For the remix, comments, info, support, questions, or contacts please mail

      Wanna rip samples mate? Go ahead but credit me in your song.


    From REACTOR '97

  The next black angel.

 A junglistic lovesong.

   Playing time: 7:09

      December 1997

   All rights reserved

   Tracked at Reactor
   studios Amsterdam

  RR samples are licen-
  sed by Reactor studios

    Style: Lovejungle

  Sequel of Black angle

     Reactor greetz:
  Susan, LDX, MC Sevaz,
    Highway, Taha-ar,
  Tristan, Drome, Eric,
   Deflect, the mokum
  jungle tribe and all
    trackaz who roll.

  This track brings the
  best impression with
  4 150W speakers, can-
 dlelight, weed, booze,
  midnight, a big bed,
    and a astonishing

  Well, enjoy this shit
  peepz and I wish all
    ya folks a chilly
  christmas and a jung-
    listic newyear!

 For da nex black angel

 Press SHIFT-F9 for the
     rerelease info

Deze is voor Suzanne Gort
omdat ze me brak.
Strings 1-1
Strings 1-2
Strings 1-3
Strings 1-4
Reversed hard cymbal
Synthesized piano
Hard hihat
Bassdrum (loud)
half snaredrum
Flying hard cymbal
Hard cymbal
LDX bass - RR sample
Open hihat
Strings 2
a sample from
"State of Mind",
by Sub-Sequence
a sample from
"State of Mind",
by Sub-Sequence
Jungle steel drum
Soft cymbal

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
