Peanuts Theme (peanuts.xm)
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Posted by Azo (Jesse Worley) on Thu 18th Feb 1999, rated 4 / 10.
This is a really poor mix of the theme commonly associated with Peanuts. The percussion is abysmal, and the piano sample isn't much better, lacking dynamic control and phrasing. The swing section isn't too bad, with some great pick up note writing. Overall, I wouldn't call this anyhting special, and it definitely doesn't go on my all time list. The majority of this track is written poorly, and handled with poor samples. Therefore, the majority of this song qualifies as poor. More attention should be payed to dynamics! The swing section is written much better, however, as the artist displayes some nice knowledge of tracking. The track finishes with a weak finale, written as poorly as the beginning.
This is a really poor mix of the theme commonly associated with Peanuts. The percussion is abysmal, and the piano sample isn't much better, lacking dynamic control and phrasing. The swing section isn't too bad, with some great pick up note writing. Overall, I wouldn't call this anyhting special, and it definitely doesn't go on my all time list. The majority of this track is written poorly, and handled with poor samples. Therefore, the majority of this song qualifies as poor. More attention should be payed to dynamics! The swing section is written much better, however, as the artist displayes some nice knowledge of tracking. The track finishes with a weak finale, written as poorly as the beginning.
Internal Texts *
DJKB Strikes again.
piano8.wav GM Drums piano8.wav Bass Side Stick Snare Closed hi-hat Open hi-hat
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
The samples are a bit off-tune and sound kinda like a MIDI but still enjoyable.