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Industrial SKF GLASSBRK BAL snare.raw BL RichardMarxSnare1 MLF RammsteinSnare1+CymbalMLF SNARE13.134 GATEFILL BL GATEFILL BL GATEFILL BL GATEFILL BL GATEFILL BL GATEFILL BL GATEFILL BL GATEFILL BL Drums KS Hit Bass-drum CO SpawnBassdrum MLF FK-D3-M BL PepsiCans SKF Fast-Flange SKF Wash-Synth CLAWZ Future1 MLF bassStrings(flanged)Prism SpawnSynthRiff MLF SpawnSynthRiff MLF SpawnSynthRiff MLF SpawnSynthRiff MLF SpawnSynthRiff MLF SpawnSynthRiff MLF SpawnSynthRiff MLF SpawnSynthRiff MLF RammsteinOrchestraHit1MLF fadeSTRING 1 basehead fadeSTRING 2 basehead fadeSTRING 4 basehead deepbas1.smp Lead Guitar jarvis StarTrekRedAlert DailyWAV Future6 MLF AllMixedUpFX MLF gq.snd (no header) HitFX MM MetalHit.Beat skaven TheWebAlienSound MLF -------------liketingy--- reverse SCREAM Silver F X Velvet&Ambient Move SPACE-FX1 BL EtherStorm NEWEFFECT MALECHO8.WAV . . . _ _ _ . . . rED aLERT you're SAFE . . . for now! -a background tune to keep you on your toes -it's a bit oversize... but its good MuSiX although it has a trance/dance side to it. 4:48min July `99 Hilander of SLi
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