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Saraswathi Path (s_path.it)

Info Summary

  • s_path.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 4.38MB in size and has been downloaded 3826 times since Sun 15th Jun 2003 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 54717
  • Downloads: 3826
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 523fabdc327d392691c617b21106f9c7
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 64
  • Uncompressed Size: 4.38MB
  • Genre: World

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Here I am with my new track "Saraswathi Path"
So I returned to my weird experiments in the
area of music based on World Traditions. This
is the second track written under the same idea.
The first one "The Great Circle of Being" was
rather successful (it took 4th place at SunDew
Pop Compo and won 1st place at Seasons Compo,
multichannel nomination in Spring Round). So,
I decided it is worthy to come back with another
track based also in traditions of World music.
This track contains Celtic, Indian, Arabic and
Classic elements uniting together all beauty of
mentioned above trends in World Music.

Composing music is as easy as "one, two, three".
This track shows how one can switch between minor,
arabic and major scales, giving very special mood
to the track. Also interesting to see how oriental
instruments are being mixed together with celtic
and classical ones and how oriental woodwind lead
goes through celtic-like background performed by
accordeon (by the way, in fact accordeon itself is
also subsituted by tricky arranged cello...)
Percussion plays its special role complicated and
panoramic, thus widening overall track atmosphere.
So I believe you'll find much fun examining this

Saraswathi - is an Indian Godess of Music. So if
you are a musician then you should walk this path -
path of Saraswathi...Who knows where can it lead You?

March the 30d, 2003 AD. Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Yakoff "Ivory" Oskanoff

    "Saraswathi Path"

IvoryCrystalFlute   [me!]
IvorySynthStrings   [me!]
IvoryOboe           [me!]
IvoryJungleFlute    [me!]
IvoryWoodwinds      [me!]
Guitar              [clm]
IvoryCello          [me!]
IvoryUltraStrings   [me!]
Campbells PanPipeSus[prf]
Choir               [wrd]
PizzBass            [???]
Horns               [aws]
Celtic Fiddle       [wrd]
Brass Ensemble      [gph]
Trumpets            [ntb]
IvoryPizzicatto     [me!]
IvoryHarp           [me!]
Strings+Horn        [aws]
Uillean plain       [ntb]
IndianDrum1         [prf]
IndianDrum2         [prf]
IndianDrum3         [prf]
IndianDrum4         [prf]
IndianDrum5         [prf]
IndianDrum6         [prf]
IndianDrum7         [prf]
EthnicDrumSet       [ntb]
FantasyBrassDrumSet [mix]
AmbientBells        [???]
Djembe Bass         [wrd]
Djembe Hit          [wrd]
Djembe Slap         [wrd]
Timpani             [aws]
IvoryShamisen       [me!]
FxMoodyPercussion1  [???]
FxMoodyPercussion2  [???]
Drums               [gph]
Thunder             [gph]
Environment         [???]
Waterfall           [???]
Critters            [???]


[aws] - Awesome's trax
[clm] - Claymore's trax
[gph] - Gopher's trax
[me!] - my samples
[ntb] - Nightbeat's trax
[prf] - Project: Fokus
[wrd] - Warders trax
[???] - can't remember
[mix] - instrument mixed
out of samples of various
trax and my samples.

Not many greetings this
time. I'd like to stop
and turn around to see
what stands behind this
track and to give some
personal feedback to
people whose creativity
and support let me to go
this far...

My thanks go to:

'Agus Claverie' for being
my best virtual friend.
'Skaven' for being the
first tracker I've met in
the net and for kind
attitude and for showing
some trackers' tricks.
'Warder' for spending his
personal time in attempt
to teach me harmony and
for hard criticism.
'Nightbeat' for open mind
and inspiration. I love
your style.
"Gopher" for being one
of the best and constant
figures in the fantasy
music scene.
'Awesome' for being BIG
"ruller" which I use to
measure my arrangement
'Mysterium' for TiS which
involved me to the scene.
'DJ Cybex' for creating
Homemusic and being just
a nice guy.
All other people I usualy
mention in my tracks.
    "Saraswathi Path"
        by Ivory.

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