Oh Happy Stompin Day NBT (renegade.it)
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After I found out about the Impulse Tracker and downloaded it a few years ago, I got right into learning it and experimenting with it. I created a few songs within about 5 months of having the IT and this is one of those first few experimental creations. I have tried to edit this song and make it a little better, but after a few failed attempts I have come to the conclusion that some originals are better left untouched once completed. I'm sure that someone else may find a way of remixing or editing this tune and have it come out great. Thas wonderful. It's all good. Natasha B. Thompson Take care and May the musical force be with you!
"Oh Happy Stompin Day" Natasha Breanne Thompson HIGHQ.WAV SWIL-JX3.WAV SWIL-JX4.WAV SPACESNR.WAV SPACETOM.WAV 012.WAV ONLYONE.WAV TIME2DIE.WAV GETALI~1.WAV 022.WAV NOOOOO.WAV FEAR.WAV FEAR1.WAV DMBLACK.WAV DMODE.WAV DMODE1.WAV This tune was created by * TeChNoBoT * Please give me credit for me efforts of creation I'd like to hear from ya e-mail me natashabrianne_hotmail. com http://home.earthlink.net /~natashabt/ This tune created by * TeChNoBoT * * TeChNoBoT * * TeChNoBoT * natashabrianne_hotmail. com There Can be ONLY ONE!! Time To DIE! Get a Life!! NOOOOOOOOOO STOP FEAR Fear Is The MIND Killer D MODE D MODE D MODE Impulse Tracker 2.14 http://home.earthlink.net /~natashabt/ Natasha Breanne Thompson
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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