rIgHt? Or WrOnG ? (phright.xm)
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WhO's RiGhT ??? Or WhO's WrOnG??? ====================== By D.j. Phantom ==================== total time : 4.41 min style : hardtrance made in 3.5 hours ====================== 0 0 go | and \_/ listen !!! ==================== Da Greetz : Everybody i know !!! hehehe' it's so simple but i don't want to sit here for 3 hours to name you all, bye ! =====================
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This track sports some kick ass voice samples, and a wild lead. The song takes a little too long to actually grab the listener, but has a great transition from the intro to the lead of the track. In some places there's a little static from the amount of samples being pushed, but it actually fits, to some extent. The ending needs some dynamic work, but this one's a good heavy trance work. There's not a lot of work done technically in this track. However, the work that is done in it is executed beautifully. DJ Phantom is well aware of how to manipulate samples to his advantage, but also has the maturity not to go overboard. I commend him on that.