[PHX]Ancient Lands (phx-al.xm)
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"ANCiENT LANDS" Phoenix (PWC-Crew) (c) 2000 PlastiqueWeb. All samples are (c) of their respective creators Original released back in 1996. Remixed at Phoenix's Home Studio Helsinki, Finland. http://www. PlastiqueWeb.com GREETiNGS PWC-Crew, DCS, THC Evolve, Section One, Sleipner, DJ Micro, DJ Pakoputki, Haagan Huume Posse (HHP) and the rest of Helsinki. You may redistribute this song as much as you want, as long as the song stays intact. Contact me on ICQ (uin#6839028) Email : Phoenix_ PlastiqueWeb.com Pe<|ce, Phoenix (PWC-Crew) 17.6.2000 Sample from Gizmo/Blacktron Piano004.smp Flute.smp zage cs1x _ toxic trancer (or cosmic) Ranged data from FT2 SHAKER.WAV NoName Shoop Loop003.smp Sfx004.smp Indian00.smp string Violin.smp Lng Mod Synth 2 bottlei NoName tubalo NoName ? groovystandard December the 30, 1993 E X P R E S S I O N bassdrumtangle Tbs4.wavv Metal001.smp 15.smp Claps001.smp NoName NoName zage cs1x 14-20 Landscape Thunder2.smp zage cs1x NoName Sub001.smp Lstring1.smp one birds loop NoName Sample ·─═More intelligent ta birds by roland Birdy.2 Longboom.smp
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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