sadness (sadness.s3m)
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bass.chipsound bassdrum.chipsound snaredrum.chipsound casioSA20.cheapsound killed this sample :) lead.chipsound hihat.chipsound well.. here it is, finished finally 2 months after emotions and at least 3 months since i've worked on it last but i've been sitting here for the past 8 hours or so just to finish the fucker, and so it is :). "summer's sadness makes me kry" playtime 5:37 style mellow chip created jun97-nov97 complete 16nov97_21:12 (c) Davey Flop-It 1997 /UnCo/OptiX why do we feel sadness? is it because peace is no longer a goal in life? or maybe just cuz you're pissed off :) anywayz.. peace everyone! grungers rule, plastic isn't cool hi cyntax.. hehehe. ;) i know this solo might not be too great but i think it reminds me of "oldskool" chip solos, not that there was any newskool chip, or wait maybe if it's by hunz, then it's both :). greetz to everyone, and legend, u'd better have warhammer up so i can get my disk :). hey frenz'ix.. where the fuck has trc gone? email yep, i've finally got email.. it's on t0mb's computer ;) cya ppls.
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