Revenge of the Cats (
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Howdy there. I hope you're enjoying this assembly. I put quite a lot of effort into it, actually. Check out my homepage at email: This piece has admittedly plenty of influence from a very old, somewhat unknown song made by Fleshbrain, called 'Timebandit'. Unknown, I assume, because it was not included among his songs in the Mods Anothology CD. His 'Timebandit' was one of the truly creative classics; it is very old however, born near the very beginnings of the Amiga tracker music genre, so the sound and the instrumentation weren't among the best (the very concepts were being built around that time); however, the mockingly cool melody and well made, working structure make it a true delight. My regards to the old master. Other influence that may show in this production are from Purple Motion, Captain, and of course the amazing Mechanism Eight by the even more amazing Necros. :) Plus, of course, you may notice it has a rhythm structure very similar to my earlier releases Rama Gardens, Omniphilia and Data Jack. It's starting to look like a real series now, isn't it? Eh. Either I'm still 'refining the concept', or am just plain out of ideas. Hopefully someday I will learn how to give a song a real STRUCTURE. During the making of the song, my friend came to hear it and said it sounds quite a bit like KMFDM's new stuff - and played me the CD. Bleh. I thought this kinda music was something new. :) Later after that, another friend of mine told me it reminds him of Power Rangers. Aaaaaarghh!!! NOOOO!!! *ahem* This is not a 'real song', as it doesn't consist of parts of equal length, repeated in a correct sequence, nor a 'base theme'. Rather, it is a mere random sequence of rhythmic components. This has always been my problem; I tend to come up with a shitload of loose ideas, but cannot arrange them properly. Check out the loose 'bonus part' for example. I simply couldn't fit it in! Necros's Mechanism Eight is, in my opinion, a very fine example of how much one can build on a working basic theme; the simple three-note main theme repeats through the whole song, but the song doesn't suffer from this at all - vice versa. There is enough variance and the rhythmically correct sequencing which keep the song entertaining all the way. It is also fine example of great mixing skills. Sample credits go to Purple Motion and Edge's Korg 03R/W for the ultracool IMissJimi guitar samples and the PowerRock blast, Groo for the Bass Grind and MinorArp, HeatBeat for the hardcore- ish Constructor techno drums, Travolta for the organ chords, Bruno for the PetraSnare, Necros for the KorgTotalkit.snare, Airwalk for the CannedSnare, and my larynx for the screams except for #37. :) The rest of the samples are sample synthetized, or from unknown sources, thanks go to whoever they are. Special thanks go to Liam the Lemming for coming up with a divine inspiration for the name of the song. It's now been changed TWO times. :) Signed, -= Skaven 05/27/1997 A.D End of documentation. Really. Hey come on, nothing to see here. Honestly! Go away. Wow, you've found my super secret message! Giga-Ultra- Interactive-Cyberspace-Multimedia-Internet-Connected-Surfin' -Totally to the Max-cool! Too bad I don't have anything clever to say here. Go give your mum and dad a big hug. :)
Tough Sid.lead BassGrind.lead Xylitol-5ths Constructor.BD1 Constructor.BD2 Constructor.HH1 Constructor.HH2 KorgTotalkit.snare (2) Tambourine.3 * CrashCymbal CannedSnare (1) Jimi-5thChord Jimi-Chug Jimi-Chuga Jimi-Hard2 Jimi-NoteLo Jimi-NoteHi1 Jimi-NoteHi2 Jimi-Squeal1 Jimi-Squeal2 FretSlide.1 FretSlide.2 TinMan.bass.1 <SF> TinMan.bass.2 <SF> TinMan.bass.3 <SF> MinorGliss PowerRock.blast SynTom.tough Arte.Organ1 Arte.Organ2 Arte.Organ3 Arte.Organ4 PetraSnr (3) MetalHit.4 Sear.lead <SF> Sear.5ths <SF> Scream.1.Waaayyyyrrg Scream.2.Nooo Scream.3.Yaargh Composed by: Skaven / Future Crew(?) May 1997 What a mess. Press SHIFT-F9 for more blah blah. Contact me for business or pleasure:
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Excellent masterpiece! First heard it in some Linux Lightcycles game