UT Hymn REMIX (sai-hymn.xm)
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---------------------- S.A.I. P R E S E N T S ---------------------- United Trackers Hymn R E M I X ---------------------- This is a 8bit version to get full 16bit ver. e-mail me to: si_alex_hotmail.com or ICQ: 19541209 ---------------------- Date: 12.10.98 Style: Hard House by Alex Simenduev original version by K O S M O S ---------------------- thanx to him for such gerat melody and high quality samples!!!! ----------------------
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This song is ok, though gets annoying after awhile. I like the beat to it, has a real good dance beat to it. The begining is real cool. Though six minutes of this can really get to you. The samples in this song are good. There is a real neat organ sample in here that does add a good effect to the song. The special effects on this are good, though like I said the main instrument gets real boring after awhile.