Elg i Ölglasset (sang.xm)
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Hammond Orgel Closed HiHatt Bassdrum Snare Trumpet Tom Crash Cymbal This song Is composed by: Eirik "Astaldo" Enger A Funk/Jazz kinda tune Didn't sample the Inst Thanx to whoever did Approx running time: 4 : 35 min. Enjoy! Greetz to: Oh-Dog, Jokah, Bludd Raider, Nettsopp, Ludde, Kongharal, Mario, Velox, Leyf, Gakks, CrazyOne, Hades, Elros & Y'all listeners.... Sax Bassbang Trumpet Tom Strings6.smp ?
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Wow... this song grroves! Hear it ones and you want it to hear it again. Hear it twice and you feel good, but wants to hear it again ;o))... One or two parts remembered me at "Monkey Island 2" - the "Head-Bone to Feet-Bone" song. NTSM - Never The Same Melody is the statement of this Track. ;o)) I think the rating for this subject, also the quick rating, needs an explanation... Eirik did wonderfull work to create a groovy Background and a avroiusly Melody. So im normaly would rate him Very Good/Semi-Pro. But thers's one thing by this tune what disturb this rating: The Instrument volumes. In my opinion, the Background instruments are too loud. So in some Parts you really slaying down by it.