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Otra adaptacion de una cancion de "Marea Negra", mi grupo. Compuesta en 2003 por ANGEL BELINCHON CALLEJA "PLUKS". CONTACTO:
crash pi VOICES2 Concert Harp cuerdaychorus -| Fantasy Flute |-- French Horns intensidad2 Oboe orchestralhit1 pianostrings pizzicato pizzicatobajo strings1 strings2 nte, tuvo que ser conq strings4 strins6 strings7 stringsagudos1 deep1 stringsgong1 timbaldeguerra1 trompeta1 trompeta2 Trumpet 2 violin violinagudo1 Violin otro timbre xilofonagudo flauta masdeep `bajadachula intensidad1 DARKHI1.WAV EDELT6.IT W-MOORS.IT iolin B3 iolin C#4 iolin D#4 iolin F4 iolin G4 iolin A4 iolin C#5 iolin D#5 iolin G#5 iolin A#5 iolin C6 iolin E6 iolin F#6 iolin G#6
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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