Orderly Dissent (sarg.it)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Composed by Aguero Talking of Happiness still rip samples... Hihat Drum Tap Organ Openhihat Guitarr Long_11 Tambourine - 1 PanFlute2-Single Composed by Aguero Talking of Happiness still rip samples... Hihat Drum Tap Organ C3violin.wav Hmtrumpt.smp (very) high Tom |cybe PanFlute2-Single
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One word...boring. I like ambient music but this one just wasn't interesting. It sounded nice but some of the instruments sounded off beat or they just didn't belong there. It's mostly soft and slow and has some trumpet sounds that remind me of some Phil Collins tune or something. The majority of the song has a lot of backround strings, which added to the enviroment. This was good but not great. The song contained some samples that were nice and clear and then others that were common and fuzzy. Aguero should have gotten other samples to replace a few that were chosen to be used. They just didn't fit into the song right. Aguero did use some nice panning effects and volume changes. The drum beat was good at some parts, at other parts it just sounded like someone beating on a garbage can. Overall it was good, but again it wasn't great.