As Night Fell (
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"As Night Fell" By Rikimbo (aka Eric Himbeault) February 20th, 2005 -------------------- Module #15. More of this slow, atmospheric stuff. It's been a while since I've done a piano module, so I guess it was due time for one. Is this a sequel to "Solitude"? Um.. sure, why not. Inspired by many, many things. See if you can figure out what! ;) If you like this or any of my other work, drop me a line, will ya? -------------------- Samples: (well, instruments, actually) Cabasa (Standard) -- GM.DLS Brush Swirl... -- GM.DLS Shaker (Standard) -- GM.DLS Bass Drum -- dansze.xm (Reed) Vibraslap (Room) -- GM.DLS Hand Clap -- (AaRD) OrchEnsemble -- some Gopher mod (Gopher) OrchBass -- some CoS mod (Church of Selene) Misty Thinger -- some Kaamos mod (Kaamos) ripped mind fx -- dn-ruthelis-mpt.xm (Darth Nefelim) pizzicatos -- dn-ruthelis-mpt.xm (Darth Nefelim) rock guitar 2 -- dn-ruthelis-mpt.xm (Darth Nefelim) babyharp piano -- dn-ruthelis-mpt.xm (Darth Nefelim) pm/hd synth -- dn-ruthelis-mpt.xm (Darth Nefelim) Reverse Cymbal -- some Xerxes mod (Xerxes) Sound FX thingy -- Downloaded from somewhere --------------------
Cabasa (Standard) Brush Swirl W/Attack (Stan Shaker (Standard) bass drum Vibraslap (Room) Hand Clap OrchEnsemble(Gopher) OrchBass(Church of Selene) Misty Thinger ripped mind fX pizzicatos rock guitar 2 babyharp piano pm/hd synth Reverse Cymbal (Xerxes) Sound FX thingy "As Night Fell" By Rikimbo (aka Eric Himbeault) Module #15 See comments for more. Enjoy. contact:
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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