Saucy Salad (saucy.s3m)
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The Good StuffSummary
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iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE iNSANE Yes, It's Kinglu. Musical coordinator for iNSANE Greets go out to all the other members of iNSANE! Kinglu [iNSANE] '95 is now Daemon at (c) Tyler Dorval
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I really like this tune, even though it's not that great, it's really attnetion grabbing. The name stands out, and so does the music. It's fun in a sort of iNSANE way (as it says in the file info), you just can't not like it ;) Good usage of samples :) It's a little lacking, but it's fun, and inovative, and that makes it worth while in some aspects. The break beat fits well into the song, and definetly adds to the atmosphere of the song.