plan9.s3m (plan9.s3m)
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The Good StuffSummary
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phred.nowadays.plan 9. first.demo.1998 snare drumbass pseudo-sin-bass l [bass] sinebass [bass] RINGS2 HIWAS2 FLBASS3 DRAKDER4 LEAD8 BASSI8A may the bubblebobble be with you (for 24 hours??) get the demo too!
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This mysterious track has a lot of really interesting sounds in it, from the first few seconds. The artist uses a lot of dissonance to express a feeling of chaos through the track, and accomplishes this rather well. The mixed use of several key sounds as leads is not the best I've heard, but handled nicely in the context of this track. I found the track to be fairly repetitive, and almost a bit slow in places. The dynamics should also be worked with during the light places. For example fade the tambourine down a bit when there's little else going on.