SilentScreamsOfChaos (rm_chaos.xm)
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* Silent Screams * Of Chaos * 30. Dec. 2000 * by Riffmaster * Channels: 20 * Instruments: 15 * 16 bit * Length: 4.34 min. ---------------------- Whew, it's been a real long time now since I released a song, so I'm glad I managed to finish this one at least at the end of this year ;) ---------------------- Don't really know what style it is, mainly some sort of metal, but with different instrumentation. Spend some time on this one and think the result is one of my better releases, but judge on your own ;) ---------------------- Rather big this time, but I think I managed at least to give it some more variation than my usual stuff. Feel free to send any comments to: riffmaster Or visit: ---------------------- Happy new year and keep healthy ;) ---------------------- Credits: Some samples I did on my own. The rest has been taken from the Mazzive Injection sample cd 1. The Fender Strato has been downloaded from the Trackers Instrument Repository. Don't know where I got that shaker from ;) Pantera1.wav GunsNRoses1.wav Pantera_HihatTom1.wav Sample-CD "mazzive inj Sample-CD "mazzive inj Sample-CD "mazzive inj Sample-CD "mazzive inj MachineHead1.wav Sample-CD "mazzive inj Shaker.wav Sample-CD "mazzive inj Strings 1 - MAZ Fender Strat:0015 Fender Strat:0014 Fender Strat:0013 Fender Strat:0012 Fender Strat:0011 Fender Strat:0010 Fender Strat:0009 Fender Strat:0008 Fender Strat:0007 Fender Strat:0006 Fender Strat:0005 Fender Strat:0004 Fender Strat:0003 Fender Strat:0002 Fender Strat:0001 Fender Strat:0000 029.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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