The Last Ride (rm_ride.xm)
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* The Last Ride * 16. Okt. 1999 * by Riffmaster * * Channels: 12 * Instruments: 12 * 8 bit * Length: 3.48 min. This song is written for Silent Compo '99. I had no intention to do a sad song, but it just came to me. Guess it was because of the samples. The sample pack given for the compo is not that hi-q, but the instruments work together very good. Gee, with hi-q-samp, this tune would have been awful! I'd like to dedicate the song to two persons who died recently within 3 weeks. First my grandma died after 10 weeks in hospital, then a friend died after a car accident and a week of coma. Farewell, good luck on your last ride, how long it ever may last... I'll get the honey when we once meet again, pal. Nevertheless, I think this is one of my best works lately. Although rather simple made, it catches the ear (at least my one). Well, let's see =) If you can't stand it: riffmaster_ riffmaster Snare - x-ceed Rimshot - radix BassDrum - Awesome HH Open - ??? HH Close - ??? Tom - MAZ Clean Guitar - ??? CornHolyO Dist. Guitar Strings 1 - MAZ Strings 2 - TechnicsKN Noise 2 - old Sample Pan-Flute - old Sample Orch Hit - ORiON Crash Cymbal - C. Jarv
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