The Final End (pmk_xmas.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Fiesta Drum Loop Mongo Bass Loop Piano Cool Chords Dream Pad Crystal Xilo Fiesta.wav Mongo3.wav Pianoc~2.wav Dreamv~1.wav Crysta~1.wav
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This is a neat little tune that could stand a little more substance. The melody is nice, and fits the song well enough. The structure is also pretty good; the drum loops and overall makeup of the song really seem to work well. The crystal lead thing is a little "stale" sounding to me, though... and really, the song seems to be too short, almost like it just ends unexpectedly. There are some great effects, but the song would be much more dramatic with some good stereo work. Technically, this tune is much more basic than it sounds. The tracking is all just about as simple as you can get; as most of the substance in this track is made up of looped material. The samples are all pretty good, and loop points are chosen well enough. There are some interesting envelopes, but the samples that actually use them don't loop, so they're not entirely effective. But still, this tune is pretty catchy, though it might not be sophisticated when you take a look at how it's put together.