polka.it (polka.it)
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Shine On You Beat07 visiting friends in Example sound, looping ba claves Pipe krzysztof_optimus.wroc.pl Crazy Diamond Example sound, looping ba claves
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This is a tie with the lowest rating I've ever given a piece. This is another ripped theme, with nothing more than a melody we've all heard before, and a cheap drumline to go with it. There was a bassline, though. If it had been even remotely good, I'd have given this track a 1.0. My dog once tracked this piece. It was awesome compered to this feeble attempt. By the way, it's not a polka, either. I don't have much to say. Number one, I don't reccomend downloading this track. Number two, the samples suck, and the drums are just a bit over preshcool music class standards.