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Al mare (robric138.xm)

Info Summary

  • robric138.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 832.40KB in size and has been downloaded 768 times since Sun 6th Mar 2005 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 55851
  • Downloads: 768
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: c5ae42a18cc80af8c8fbff3be5c813bb
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 16
  • Uncompressed Size: 832.40KB
  • Genre: Ballad

License License

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Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (6 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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comments Artist's Comments

artist No description has been written for this module. - robric

Comments Your Comments

member Posted by Eagle on Wed 12th Jul 2006, rated 6 / 10.

Classification: Experimental Mix Musical Rating: Good This is a melody which is pretty cleverlly composed to highlight the rhythm but is let down due to out of tune instruments. The synths are cutting and replaying which highly highlights the rhythm. Yet, this is a quite monotonous song which is mainly featured by rhythm and clever leads. The mood and the theme is pretty neutral. I don't know if I can extract a message from the module, it's more like plain music made for listening and enjoying. The lead is swift and changes seemingly samples all the time. It's unusal to see that lead technique being used outside chips. In this module it is pretty well done. The drums are monotonous and are pretty much just played beat-by-beat. Bassdrum, snare, bassdrum, snare. Some creativity in to the drums would be nice. I noticed that especially the bass was out of tune. Transpose it down 5 steps so that C-5 is not really a G-4. Several of the other instruments were also clearly out of tune. Panning sounds strangelly extreme but does makes it easier to hear the nifty parts in the module. However, the exclusive panning eliminates all feeling of reverb. Technical Rating: Amateur The samples are out of tune, especially the bass, which sounds weird. The synths should also be tuned. The drums and "beep" lead was in tune (or the drums didn't really need to be tuned as they are not melodical instruments). The use of clipping and replaying samples is really clever. With all the aspects from different genre, this module is really unique. Since it is so unique in its mix, I had no idea what to classify it. Most effects in use are note off and volume controlling nodes like volume set or volume slide, so the samples are generally played as is. Some of the high pitch notes could had have some slight vibrato. Otherwise it sounds OK as it is now. Pannings are a little to extreme for my taste. They could have been rounded down to 64 and 192 instead of 0 and 255. If you really want the samples to be strongly separated, use 56 and 200. Otherwise, try to make the pannings slide around in a way you feel fit. Moving pannings makes especially leads more interesting. I have little more to say, this module was pretty difficult for me to review, but it had its good sides and bad sides. A very interesting idea that could be worked on to its perfection. //Eagle

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Roberto Ricioppo

Roberto Ricioppo



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