One Blue Day (sdmblue.xm)
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dist a dist b dist c dist d bass choir1 bass drum snare hihat closed hihat opened tom short crash crash Left the names of the samps in case u wanna ripp em like I did once... This was made after listening to a few of of my older trax. Wanted to make another wicked tune and I made this. Nothing serous about this one. I am SanDmaN and plz stop by my homepage: http://members.tripod. com/bjorne_k/sandman.h tm U can reach me using either email or ICQ: 19913843, I think... This song is as the many others pretty short. Only 2.04 min. Gonna start on my x-mas project later today... Ohh forgot a few things! Song finished 12/12 1998 and the hEllOs Greets to: LittleElk.... Im terrible with names... bye. ALL THAT REMAINS! - 3/25/97 remix - +--------------------- choir sampled by AKA
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Although Metal is my favorite music genre, I don't like this. In fact, the reason why I called this metal was because of the drums, which sound nice, and the rythms of the guitars. The chords of the guitars however aren't all that nice. The samples of the guitars aren't looped very well. This bothers sometimes when a chord is fading out slowly. The other samples are nice, especially the drums. The whole doesn't give a professional impression.