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Hey all Another song by Ice_raven here. The last one I released was a rockjazz song called Street Lights, This song, I hope, is fully jazz/cheeze, the style I admire so much. I still don't have any page at Modarchive, but soon, I hope, I'll have one. Greet0rs to: Melvyl, Xerxes, Beek, Beej, Skyline, Aymes, LittleElk, /Slash, Zaril, and all the staff of HeLLVeN and the IRC channel #hellven. This song is inspired from an OHC I done some days ago, probably one of my best OHC's (One Hour Compos) ever. Greet0rs to the scene folks, Necros, Skaven, Radix, Basehead.. Special greet0rs to Necros, the guy who really inspired me my first days of tracking, and still continues that way. This song0r was written in ONE hour... That means... uhm... It is not complete and I'll probably release another version of this beast:P Good luck, Ice_raven of nothing
Jazz Gt. Organ 3 Alto Sax Jz Roll Slap Jz Wood Stick Rc Crash Cymbal Sht Rc Rhodes Soft Rc High Hat Closed 1 Rc High Hat Closed 2 Rc High Hat Closed 3 Percus 3 Rc Rock Bass Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Jazz Gt. Organ 3 Organ 3 Organ 3 Alto Sax Alto Sax Alto Sax Alto Sax Alto Sax Alto Sax Alto Sax Alto Sax Jz Roll Slap Jz Wood Stick Rc Crash Cymbal Sht Rc Rhodes Soft G1 Rc Rhodes Soft G2 Rc Rhodes Soft G3 Rc Rhodes Soft G4 Rc High Hat Closed 1 Rc High Hat Closed 2 Rc High Hat Closed 3 Tracker Paradise Rc Rock Bass E2 Rc Rock Bass A2 Rc Rock Bass F#3
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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