Pro.ject:Eject 06:07 (projecte.xm)
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- Pro.ject:Eject - SLiCE (Royal.illogik) & rELiEf (m0no.puzzle.impact) YES! A Co-op Release Featuring: SLiCE + RELiEF true scandinavian tracking skills in spectacular *action* SLiCE speaking:..... I'm really proud to release this peace of work, and of course a special-extra-ultra *thank you* to Relief for making this track just DARKER.. & darker reversing a TB-303.... .. Man ya wicked! HAHA =) =) SLiCE home! http:// MAIL!> + over & out.. + RELiEF speaking:..... oh yes, really,really surprrised of the result, of this wicked choone!!! nothing else 2 say really........ look out 4 mo'of these kind from us ;] url :'d/ we like the dark shit ezzay!! Rebirth Sequence Bass Hard Kick 909 hihat 909 op hihat Clap 909 Crash 303DIST rez saw 303DIST2 909 snare D4efx55 TB-303 Bassline
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