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Electroazure Movement II (sg_eazm2.it)

Info Summary

  • sg_eazm2.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.02MB in size and has been downloaded 619 times since Sun 26th Sep 2004 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 56697
  • Downloads: 619
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: a592dfaa8d4bb760d89ba9e731131c7a
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 24
  • Uncompressed Size: 2.02MB
  • Genre: n/a

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Samples 1&2 sampled by me from Kylie Minogue - Where Has The Love Gone?
Samples 3&4 sampled by me from a TS-404 session
Samples 5,18,24,26-30&32 from After Hours by Elwood
Samples 6-10 from Can You Feel It by Simo Paakkanen
Samples 11&12 from Affliction by Timelord
Sample 14 from Dream by MaFs
Samples 15&16 from Acid Dreams by Legend
Sample 17 from Voice X Theme by Voice X
Samples 19&20 from Sinus Aestuum by N'zo Iota
Sample 22 from LoVe Me ! by Ace-Cream
Sample 23 from Nimbus by Per Westerburg
Sample 25 sampled by me from Sash! feat. Tina Cousins - Mysterious Times
Sample 31 from Universal Dreams by The Omniscient
Samples 33&51 from Dream Trance by minomus
Sample 45 sampled by me from Fragma - Say That You're Here
Sample 46 sampled by me from Madison Avenue - Don't Call Me Baby
Sample 49 from A Planet Behind Us by Old Brian
Sample 84 from Pitch Black by Acumen
Sample 85 samples by me from Silent Poets - I Will Miss This Holy Garden
        (dub version mixed by Shojiro Watanabe)
Contains pattern excerpts from After Hours by Elwood and
        patterns from Electroazure Hours by eszt-udiaa

where has the love gone
where has the love gone
there has the 404 gone
there has the 404 gone
after hours bass
can you feel it 1
can you feel it 2
can you feel it 3
can you feel it 4
can you feel it crash
broad echo hit

open hihat
closed hihat
low noise
after hours acid
sinus aestuum 1
sinus aestuum 2

bd 1
crash beat
after hours beat
after hours exclamation
after hours chimes
after hours sensuality
after hours string pluck
after hours club chord 1
reverse cymbal
after hours club chord 2
strings 2

fragma reverse cymbal
madison avenue beat

ride hat

new life resonance

holy garden

sg-5000 presents
an electroazure movement


This is #2 in a series of
four pieces collectively
titled The Electroazure
Movements, so named as
the tracks are all
derived from a piece of
my earlier work,
"Electroazure Hours".

Retrovenus is essentially
a longer version of that
original work, featuring
new versions of "Perigee"
and "Azure Skies" (I know
I said there'd be no
more versions, but I must
have lied =) This version
also sees the prologue
(originally "It's A Fine
Day To Talk To The Wind,
suggesting lots of Opus
III influence) drawn out
and dancified so as to
create a better front by
which to progress into
"Danger" ("Windspeak").

In short, Retrovenus is
"Electroazure Hours" 2.0.

By the way, the original
"Electroazure Hours" is
NOT Movement I. Only the
second half of Movement I
was composed in Impulse
Tracker, therefore will
not appear on The Mod
Archive in its entirety.
Movement I, Part II may
be made available if I
can be merging all the
pieces into one file.

1. Windspeak
 (6:42) orders 000-024
2. Danger (Trance Mix)
 (9:42) orders 025-098
3. After Zero Hours (2am
 (4:05) orders 099-133
4. Perigee (Retrovenus
 (8:10) orders 134-180
5. Azure Dub
 (7:53) orders 181-204
6. Theta Waves
 (3:09) orders 205-215
TOTAL LENGTH approx 40min

Movement III: AZURE
DIGRESSION - coming soon!

          (S-G) 2003-2004



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