*Shite* (shite.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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<<DJ THUMB-BOY>> <Presents> <<Shite>> 3:20 I don' know what I think about this song yet, cause I just wrote it yesterday. I thought I'd send it anyway though cause it sounds ok I really should be studying instead of writing music - I got my final exams coming up in less than two weeks... AAAAAAARRRRRGHH!!! crash,rupchuk,grypas Synth: Low Piano FMArtofBDrumm2 kick 808 no-kick breakceFIO ---------------------: By Jazz/Pm&Scx 909 snare hard
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Nice Song... though the start confused me a bit. Seems DJ THUMB-BOY doesnt like long Introdutions *g* But alltogether his play arounds with the vocal-samples sound a bi boring after awhile hearing this song in loop. Some of the good in this Song came by the technics DJ THUMB-BOY used. A straight, but fine beat let you easy follow through the music. The Tone-increasing Snare in the middle of this Track is very cool! Surely i wouldnt hear this song every Day.. but sometimes.. :o)