W.W.627 [MS Instrumental] (rzk_ww627msi.it)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Wonderland West 6:27 [Mindy's Song] "I watched you fly... Fly away from me. In the night, as the World around us slept. You know I love you still. Don't turn away from me; I need you here. Please don't look away. Am I just a shadow in your light? I want you to know that I love you, But you already know, So it doesn't really matter. If I could reach past the stars And climb to the moon with you, We'd be so far away, with my hands, I'd reach past the stars to you. If I could dive from the sky And soar through the clouds with you, In my dreams I would fly to you, But it doesn't really matter. If I said I was sorry for the things I said and did to you, Sorry for all the things I did And the things I'll never do. Don't turn away from me now, 'Cause I'm still in love with you But you already know So it doesn't really even matter at all. Are you missing me? Because I know that I've missed you. You're so far away, I need you here. I wish that you would look at me, But it doesn't really matter. - I'll forget about her, in enough time. I really hope I will. Slapped together for a talent show sort of thing at my school. BTW, this song comes with Channel 16 muted. This is the vocal part. If you want to sing along, unmute Channel 16 and sing the words above. :) - Renzoku Email questions or comments to: exonikus_aol.com Finished 04/24/01 at 10:45 PM.
Heavy Bass Drum Stompsnare Closed Hihat Bip Leadwave Buzzwave Open Hihat Reversed Cymbal Sample by DJ Phantom Sample by Unknown Sample by Unknown Sample by Unknown Sample by K. Koch Sample by K. Koch Open Hihat Reversecymbal
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