SHOW ME HEAVEN (showme.xm)
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-= SHOW ME HEAVEN =- -= 5 ' 38 '' =- -= PHOENiX 1998 =- PLEASE GiVE ME YOUR OPiNiON OF THIS TUNE CONTACT ME - iCQ UiN : 20741267 -= E-MAiL =- JAMES_PRiESTLEY65. FREESERVE.CO.UK FiNiSHED ON 9TH JULY '98 ORiGiNAL BY RANDALL 'SHOW ME HEAVEN' iNC. EXTRACT FROM 'RAVE iS A MYSTERY' ViBES & WiSHDOKTA Madonna 1 Madonna 2 Madonna 3 Madonna 4 Ecstasy Techno Bassdrum 909E Open HH Break 1 Break 2 Break 3 Break 4 Heaven String 1 Heaven String 2 Heaven String 3 Impact Hey Heaven Chord A1 Heaven Chord A2 Heaven Chord A3 Come On 909E Bassdrum 909E Clap Heaven Chord B1 Heaven Chord B2 Heaven Chord B3 Heaven Chord B4 Space Voice
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Ok, first it starts of with some recorded music from madonna which is very chopped. Then it goes into a beat which is swamped with various voice samples and electric synths. It's not all that bad if you listen to the whole thing. I understand the concept but It just doesn't sound great. This is another song that could be re-written better. The samples are noisy. The madonna voice samples are cut up badly. The rest of the samples are low quality. I think this does the most damage to this song. Looking at the tracks, you can see they were done correctly, the samples just sucked. They were large and there was some borderline cheating.