ShutDown (shutdown.xm)
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[SwE]iCER ---------------------- Shutdown ---------------------- took a few hours to make this one.. /Peter Arvidsson\ Some Info: I've made all the 303 loops myself,,using ReBirth 1.5 ..nice little progg.. Song time: 3min 33s I haven't released a lot of mods the last 2 months.. thats because I only want to release mods that I like. In the beginning I spread all the mods I've made.. and almost everyone of them were very bad.. for more iCER mods.. go to: Softworlds Mod Page (URL in the .txt file) If u don't like techno u wont like this mod Sampled by iCER Clear clap Sampled by iCER Sampled by iCER Sampled by iCER Sampled by iCER Sampled by iCER sampled by AKA ______________________
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Shutdown is a fairly simple techno tune. The first minute is basically just the beat, and starts out with the bass, brings in a clap beat, and a couple hihats. Then comes the techno "melody." The song doesn't really go very far music wise. It basically just stays where it is, and adds in instruments as it sees fit. It does it quite well, and it doesn't seem to need to go any farther. However, as iCER writes in the instruments display, "If u don't like techno u wont like this mod." The technical side is done very well, and the samples are good quality. The song is fairly simple, and this partly comes from the fact that there are only 12 samples. Also, 4 of them are techno loops used in the main "melody." In this instance, and most instances really, a lot more work would have to go into the mod if iCER didn't use the loops, and he uses them well.