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The Good StuffSummary
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p.O.W oF sUNSHINE pRODUCTIONS fOR tHE pARTY 1996 mULTI-cHAN cOMPO! fINISHED: 26.12.96 dURATION: 04:05 i'M oRIGINALLY a aMIGA-mUSICIAN, aND tHIS iS mY fIRST mULTI cHANNEL mOD eVER!! gREETINGS mUST gO aLL mY cONTACTS & fRIENDS iN tHE aMIGA sCENE, eSPECIALLY aLL mEMBERS oF sSP aND pHUTURE 303, & tO mY cOUSIN rOY fOR lENDING mE hIS pC!! tAKE cARE fELLOW sCENERS!! kEEP tHE sPIRIT aLIVE!! basdrums2 GTNylon BDr HiHatsBigBand BDr HiHatsBigBand Clap.smp Drum.smp CH Ghost c+c CH ghost c Lead.smp SH101-2 crashbit to all my other ctx's crashbit
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This is a nice trance song with some goa influences. The song begins with a long and soft intro. Then a guitar is played as some kind of back-lead. The best part starts at 2.29 when a nice synth is played with nice atmospheric effect sound in the background. This part sounds like JM JArre, = very good. The "goa-sound" is almost out of place sometimes. But that doesnt make this mod less enjoyable. pOW claims that this is his first xm ever. What can i say...... good job ! The stereo effects are good and the samples are of normal quality.