* SIMON THE FLESH TOAD * Christopher (simon.669)
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* SIMON THE FLESH TOAD * Christopher Part I: George 2 TADPOLE IN THE SWAMP Mann 59
Piano Sustan Piano Major Chord Pipe Flute Waves ------------ Well, folks I had been wondering where I was going to put all of the extra info. about this song at. Looks like I found some- thing the programmers overlooked. All I had to do was load a four byte sample in, and *TADA* extra writ- ing room with little added memory taken up. This is the first .669 I have writ- ten. I had programmed .MODs before but I love this new format. I do hope it catches on. If you like it, please write a let- ter to... Christopher G. Mann PO Box 116 Magnolia, OH 44643-0116 Don't ask about the name of the song, cause I promised Larry King I wouldnt tell others why..
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