sindre.xm (sindre.xm)
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drum guitar tom bass2 bass4 cymball bammdi drum drum2 drumset yyfly guitheavy guitlitle angry guit fast guit slow guit bass heavy heavy short heavy long heavyyyyyyy hihat closed majsmooth minsmooth panflute rpan 1 pan 2 pan 3 pinao synth pickguit rimshot slow slow grovvy slow max grooovy snaare snnare2 string2 streing1 snowww synbass gsynth synth slow synth slaxz synt slaxs 2 synth echo tom 1 tom 2 stor troomm2 heavy 2 guitatfine drum 1ANDREAS.SAM st-02:solobass pat #29 by u4ia & js CRASH.SAM taken from 'desert ST-05:dr-sn-243 GREETS GO OUT TO... Composed by 1ANDREAS.SAM should not be on any gt2 gt3 once again another for more MODs in the blind................ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- METLGUIT.SAM HIHAT.AMI MI majsmooth minsmooth st-00:beast1 by u4ia of megawatts #Maniac #By Jogeir Liljedahl Email: mclellan PICKGUIT.SAM rimshot copyright 1992 (c) I BELIEVE THIS TO BE snare A.K.A. THE DRAGONLORD SUNHAWK (TRAITOR! :-) ONE OF THE BEST MODS the one i love. =8*) CREATION, AND HOPE QUITE PROUD OF THIS 6.perplexer.da-capo TOM4.SAM ST-30:dr-tom-301 tommil Heavy005.smp 1ANDREAS.SAM
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One thing that I really hate about some songs is that they have a brilliant melody that really makes it stand out, but its cluttered by the fact that it was made poorly and with little experience. The melody in this song could have gone a lot further, cleaner (more modern) instruments, better mixing and more attention to detail would have made this a very nice song. Otherwise, its probably best that you left it alone. The technical quality of the instruments is just passable, but the way the song has been put together is almost offensive. Some will like it, others won't. I didn't.