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* The Trip * Written & Tracked by Peter Nolin A.K.A Stryper Of The Black Lotus -- (C) S.A.H Studios'95 Contact me at: * SNAIL * Stigsjö Hamreliden 1 871 92 Härnösand Sweden * E-MAIL * basar175_carlerik.nth. (Until june'96) Samples? Hrmpf! Well, what to say? Samples from: SampCD! Whigfield(urk), YDD5, and so on... few from.. From..Eh! Well, doesn't matter!? Greetings Oh Friends: *Regulator / Cortex -Have good life! *Lizardking / Triton -Why didn't I win at -hack 12? Thanks for -helping and samples! *Tim / Spaceballs -Join the PC scene! :) *Neutralizer / O T T -Long time no heard!! *Jesse / TBL -Play this at school! *Yodel Members -Sorry to leave, but I -wanted to do more. Finally: If you need a new musician or music then don't hesitate to cantact me. I wan't to join 1-2 groups more. If you just wan't to get another contact: Well. Be cool, ey! Phuckin's goes to: *All IRC lamers who's talking bullshit. *TECHNO AT TP5 -------------------- The Question Is: Is the PC scene ready for STRYPER quality? This is Stryper / TBL once member of Mortal gods, Coven, Raize and Yodel, signing off with a smile........Click! Get ready for quality! You've found the SECRET PART. Just read this 80times and U getting bored for free. .------------------. I MUMUMUMUMUMU I `----------------- ' Sista raden! Näääää!?! Whigbass Dov bas Nex bdrum1 Tamburin. (and?) Snare7 Synth33 klocken Slap Nu dundrar det. From spectular sound effects CD. nex skatrackare Flute C4 Lame shitty bad phucki'n sound of cymbs!! Church organ 2 Kantslag Whigtom House_hi.iff
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Now, that's a nice listen after a day of hard work. This tune had some relaxing affections on me while listening for the very first time. "The Trip" has some nice sound fx at the beginning: Waves from the beach and some crows screeching. After that, a nice techno-like rhythm appears and then... this sweet piano melody, which makes me swing. The artist shows us that he is an experienced tracker who can handle complex chords and catchy melodies. A little minus on this one: The track could have been just a bit longer. Running for 3 or 4 minutes, I would have given this track a clear 9.0! Nice work , Peter! Come here, newcomers and young trackers, and learn from this artist! He integrated many effect commands in his track, making it sound quite professional. Big plus: the artist used more 16-bit samples that 8-bit ones. Good panning and stereo fx. Well done. I strongly recommend the download.