Bom-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba (t-bom8b.xm)
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Bom-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ---------------------- By _Matt_ for Thol OnLine ---------------------- Umm... I never made a song like thisone before... But it aint bad at all , just a bit strange. All the vocals are voiced by me. All the samples are sampled by me. Like this song? if so Mail me! Thol OnLine is a Music, 3D Graphics and programming group. If you wanna join. Send me a mail too. To download my songs goto: That's it! Made and Sampled by _Matt_in "HammerHead Rhythm Station" Made and Sampled by _Matt_in "HammerHead Rhythm Station" Made and Sampled by _Matt_in "ReBirth RB 338" Made and Sampled by _Matt_in "ReBirth RB 338" Voiced by _Matt_ Voiced by _Matt_ Voiced by _Matt_ Voiced by _Matt_ Voiced by _Matt_ Voiced by _Matt_ Voiced by _Matt_
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First this sounded quite nice with those so called "scratches" etc but I still waited for more. That 'more' didn't come. "This is my song" for all three minutes of this song kind of bored me. Final estimation: quite boring. Starts with traditional "gangsta-rap-beat" with weird "scratches". The same beat goes on for the whole song. The sound quality of vocal samples were great but it still isn't cool enough to help with the boreness.