The Castle in heaven (t-c-i-h.xm)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 9th Feb 2001
The Good StuffSummary
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... the story about The Castle in Heaven Ghidorah Razor1911/Fadeout 2001 Thanks to Avelorn for some samples and a great amount of inspiration. Thanks to the other sample providers also. Feels good to release something different :) Greetings to warhawk, hedeon hagge, arachno,avelorn zerion, area51,reptile sorry for the noisy samples. dedicated to my grandmother By Ghidorah (c)2001 style: orchestral/fantasy time: 6.12 email: homepage: -- Snare roll By unknow sample by dipa/rj Korg02.wav FLUTE2.WAV sampled by wave avelorn Ensobson.wav FluteF jogeir sampled by wave PAUKE.WAV Timpani Drum lead1.wav sax.wav Snare1.wav Bongo3.wav Wind3.wav
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A great piece of music, with some high-quality samples. Ghidora uses his brilliant musical ability to compose a lengthy piece of work. But rather than becoming a repetively dull track, the constant variants in style and composition keeps the music flowing nicely. The only problem with this mod is the use of one or two samples which sound a bit crap compared to the rest of the high-quality stuff. Ghidora is hugely competent when selecting samples and using different effects. The majority of samples are high quality, with only a couple of exceptions. Brilliant use of volume slides and vibrato within the main structure of the song, along with a few other effects, less frequently. The piano sample is beautiful.