spoo (spoo.it)
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spoo distance/tpolm modplugplayer / mikit / it 2.14-> what do you think? -. esaruoho_dlc.fi <---' 02.05.99 - 05.05.99 3rd at groovy competition #37 some resampling due to compo sizelimit ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/music/artists/distance
distance/tpolm esaruoho_dlc.fi 02.05.99 23.07 05.05.99 13.04 09.05.99 01.48 Synth4 . Sine 1 cut. Efx2 volumeboost. Efx3 volumeboost. Kick 2 . Loop 1 cut. Loop 4 cut. DB1 . DB3 . DB4 . DB5 . DB6 . DB7 . Piano Synth cut. Crash cut. Hat 1 . Voice . GRoovy Comp 37 Samples ------------------------- By : Yannis Brown Due : Sat 15/05/1999 : 3pm EST Australia ------------------------- To : Yannis_zip.com.au Subj: GC37 Entry ------------------------- distance/tpolm esaruoho_dlc.fi 02.05.99 23.07 05.05.99 13.04 09.05.99 01.48 Synth4 . Sine 1 cut. Efx2 volumeboost. Efx3 volumeboost. Kick 2 . Loop 1 cut. Loop 4 cut. DB1 . DB3 . DB4 . DB5 . DB6 . DB7 . Piano Synth cut. Crash cut. Hat 1 . Voice .
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
I discovered your music in about 2000 and I listened to it so many times. I recently found again a compilation where I burned "Spoo" and it remembered me so many things... "Spoo" influenced me musically. Maybe it seems a little bit too important but really, I remember that I was listening to it in loop. Glad to find you back.