Take Over the World (takeover.xm)
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Take Over the World by Morgan ------------------- Contact me at morgan19_yahoo.com Or visit http://members.xoom. com/Morgan19/ ------------------- mute รท pizz | _ A2.wav NoName String string Hihat.raw HHODA _ Maz D4efx24.wav NoName _ (cs1x) / TRiP _ Keith3o3 STUFF.WAV GOLD.WAV NOWPINKY.WAV WAAAAH.WAV RULE.WAV BIZARRE.WAV LAUGH.WAV BRAINYES.WAV COMEPINK.WAV IDIOTIC.WAV ROTTEN.WAV WHY-AN~1.WAV NOSTOP.WAV LAUGH2.WAV BUFFOON.WAV NUMMY.WAV CRANIA~1.WAV ALLRIGHT.WAV BYSIX.WAV CARROT~1.WAV CHEESE~1.WAV CHAOS.WAV TAKEOVER.WAV INTERUPT.WAV NARF.WAV YIDOPERA.WAV EGADBRIL.WAV FUNBRAIN.WAV AYPCHIKN.WAV
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"Take over the World" is a remix of the "Pinky and the Brain" title theme. In case you do not know what I am talking about, it's a cartoon series by Warner Bros. At the beginning you hear some good pizzicato riffs performing the main title theme. After that, a relative simple made techno tune starts. Suddenly at 1:20 mins, there is a strange tempo change, which nearly doubles the tempo of the song... it's very annoying. This song is nealy 3MB big, full of huge (good quality) voice samples of Brain and Pinky. At first, I thought that this is quite interesting and funny to listen to, but these samples are huge, loud and nasty at some parts. Some voice samples include orchestra music in the background which does definetly NOT fit into the song. Really annoying. It sounds like two songs are running at the same time! Not worth a download.